30 Nov 2010

Self Assessment

Here is the last semester of ESP course which is almost over. Still have some weeks until session and ESP course exam. I am worry about English exam. I will analyze my achievement in this course during this semester.

In this semester like in 2 previous semesters I had to read modules from Robert Feldman book Understanding psychology. This semester I was not talking about those modules because teacher gave us other tasks which were more interesting, but I had to write ESP vocabulary tests which included modules which I had to read from Robert Feldman book Understanding psychology.Some ESP vocabulary test I have written well, but other tests I have written worst in the class. I am really  worried about it, because I think that  now the definitions which I should written, but the mark shows different thing .I think that I should learn ESP vocabulary if I want to pass English exam. In this practice, the Moodle tests should help me. It was not new task in this semester. Every module has Moodle test. I did these tasks at home and I could look through the module if I want to find out the correct answer. I think that I was good in doing those tests.

Third, I want to write about my performance on summary writing. It was not a new task. I think that I write summaries well, but I can be much better in this task, because one of ESP exam part is summary writing

Fourth, I want to mention that I think there were not enough short talks and impromptu speeches, at least for me. Short talk is one of English exam part. I think it will be better if I could have a possibility to speak in class on my exam themes so I could get more speaking skills

Also I should write few words about Power Point Presentation. It was not a new task. In this semester my theme was Prejudice and Discrimination. I think that I presented my theme not so good, worse than other students. My problem was not because I was not ready to speak about that theme but while I spoke I had made many grammar mistakes and I had been very nervous during the presentation.

Moreover in this semester my English teacher gave to class many listening tasks. Traditional listening in class was not a new task. Sometimes I have done it well sometimes I have done it not so well. I think I should do listening task not only in class if I want to pass my exam, but I don’t have enough time to practice listening. In this semester teacher gave online listening in class from BBC and other websites. I think it helped me but not enough. That’s a pity.

Now I want to mention the newest tasks in this semester It is online exercises and multiple choices and fill in the blanks tasks which were online. Online exercise for example was to find synonyms or finish the sentence. All these exercises were online. Multiple chose and fill in the blank was online in online learning center. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0073370193/student_view0/  In this website I found everything what I need for prepare for English class

In conclusion, I would like to write that I could be better in English language if I had more practice in all this points. Also I am worried about my English, because I will have to pass ESP exam.


9 Nov 2010

Bechavior Disorder

Human behavior is the population of behaviors   exhibited by humans   and influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion   and/or genetics. Strange behavior   can cause mental disorders. A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological or behavioral pattern generally associated with subjective   distress or disability   that occurs in an individual, and which are not a part of normal development or culture. Behavior disorder may develop or occur in people in spite of their age.

How we know  that behavior disorder  mostly emphasize on children. Children who suffer from behavior disorders are at a higher risk for school
failure, suicide, and mental health problems. They  can’t deal with  that problem and for that reason they need help from parents ,teachers  or  psychologists.

Second group of people who suffer from behavior disorder are teens.As with most medical issues, teen behavior disorders are different than child behavior disorders or adult behavior disorders.Teens with these disorder do some abnormal acts. One of  them is cutting themselves with any object  that can  brings  bleeding.  Statistically more girls  do cutting than
boys  but  that does not  mean that  boys  are immune. Some even  continue  to do  this  in adulthood.

Other is shoplifting. Teens can shoplift for a variety of reasons. These include but are not limited to peer pressure, to be cool, to get an adrenaline rush, to have what other kids have so that they feel equal.
The last behavior disorder witch I want to mention is trichotillomania. It  is psychological disorder. This condition is more common in girls than boys. People with these disorder  pull hair from the root from all parts of the body .

Third  group of people who suffer from behavior disorder are adults. What can I write about these group. I can write only one think that all behavior disorders witch was in childhood and teenhood  and wasn’t cure arrive at  adults behavior disorder.

In conclusion that life would be much easier if we could treat people of all ages the same and if they had the same symptoms for each illness or disorder. If you don't cure or keep attention on behavior disorders it may lead person during all his life.




23 Sept 2010

The Psychology of Handwriting

                               I ask myself what I know about handwriting. I know that every one of us has individual handwriting. This is a fact that everyone knows. I will try to write about handwriting something new.
                               Firstly, handwriting shows the characteristic of the person by whom it is written. It is not connected with the character of the writer but depends exclusively on the muscular construction of the hand. You should look at you friends copybook some of them press the pen very hard while writing and others don't.
                              Secondly, handwriting shows the momentary mood of the writer. Now I want to suggest you look at your own copybook. Look at your handwriting when you are empathizing and in a hurry while you are writing any kind of information from a lecture and compare it with your handwriting when you are writing in calm and relaxed way
                                    Thirdly handwriting is a result of school teaching. At first grades all pupils should have special fountain-pen. At first lessons children learn to write the letters correctly from special examples
                                    Fourthly handwriting can show with which hand people write and who has written the text . At school people learn and accustom to write with right hand. If the same person tries to execute the same activity with the left hand his handwriting will get very clumsy and unformed. Also it is not important with which hand a person writes the text. Graphologists can answer this question without knowing the person. There are the little change among women’s handwriting and men’s handwriting
                                    The psychology of handwriting is a sphere which is very poorly explored there are many facts which are not proved, besides there are many miffs and legends about the fact that for example if a persons handwriting is careless it means he is irresponsible and careless as well but The psychology of handwriting dos not establish this fact .
                                In conclusion it is very important to notice that the psychology of handwriting is not investigated until the end. Nowadays  the psychology of handwriting can only tell the mood of the person who is writing the rest of handwriting is investigated and explored by graphologists.


16 May 2010

Self Assessment

Here the second semester is almost over. Still have some weeks until session and it mean that I finish the first year in the university. I will do as successful people are doing. They analyses their live and projects. I will analyse my achievements in English during this semester.
In this semester like in the first semester I should read modules from Robert Feldman book Understanding psychology. I was talking about those modules. My talk about those modules was the worst comparing with other students. My problem was not because I was not ready to speak about that modules, but while I spoke I have made many grammar mistakes. Talking about models is not very interesting and in some way boring I think that giving short talks and impromptu was more interesting and useful, because everyone has something sad interesting and new. In this tow tasks I have the same problem as answer modules.
Also in this semester like in the first semester I was writing tests on read modules. Maybe modules in this semester was much more difficulty than in first semester or I was not ready enough. In this semester in ESP tests were not multiple choices parts and were tasks to write definitions. I should learned definitions by heart, but never learned so. I always try to write definitions how I understand it, but usually it was wrong.
Other talk about Moodle tests. It was new task in this semester. Every module has Moodle test. I did this work at home I can look through the module if we want to find correct answer. I think that I was good in that tests.
Also I want to write about my performance on summary writing. In previous and this term I written restatement summaries, It was not a new task. In this semester I generally written analytical ones. I like analytical summary much mo than restatement summary. I think I can be much more better in this task.
Moreover I should write few words about Power Point Presentation. It was not a new task. In this semester my theme was Language. I think that I present that theme worst than other students. My problem was not because I was not ready to speak about that theme but while I spoke I have made many grammar mistakes and I have nervous too much.
Last but not least is listening task .I think that If I make listening not only in the class I will much more better.
In conclusion, I would like to write that I could be better in English language if I have more practice in all this points

25 Apr 2010

Psychology of conflict

Conflict is a state of opposition, disagreement or incompatibility between two or more people or groups of people, which is sometimes characterized by physical violence. Psychologists can make some group of conflicts. There are three types of conflicts: approach-approach, avoidance-avoidance, and approach-avoidance.

First type of conflict is approach-approach conflict. It is one of the three major types of conflict described by psychologist Kurt Lewin in 1931.Approach – approach conflict is a psychological conflict or a situation of indecision where an individual is confronted having to choose between equally desirable alternatives. It happens when a person has to choose between two desirable outcomes, such as a choice between finishing college and a full-time job offer. This conflict is often the easier to resolve than the two other conflicts, which are avoidance-avoidance conflict and approach-avoidance conflict.

Other type of conflict is avoidance-avoidance conflict. It is also described by psychologist Kurt Lewin in 1931. This conflict involves choosing between undesirable alternatives or outcomes in which a person tends to avoid. For example, you must choose to clean your room or do the dishes. Research shows that as organisms approach an unattractive choice, it becomes more repellent.

The last but not the least type of conflict is approach-avoidance conflict. It is also described by psychologist Kurt Lewin in 1931. It is a psychological conflict or a situation of indecision and vacillation when an individual is confronted with an event or an object that has desirable and undesirable qualities. It is happen when an individual is indecisive and ambivalent in pursuing a desirable goal that has an undesirable outcome. For instance, a person wants to do something but fears the consequence it entails. This conflict is often the more difficult to resolve.

Now I will mention reasons of conflicts. There are many reasons of conflicts:

Conflict of interest
Value conflicts
Conflict of structure
Conflict of relation
Conflict of informatikon

I do not forget the benefits of conflicts because i know that there are many negative things about conflict, still there are some benefits. There are many benefits of conflicts
Firstly, when person what to win in that conflict are competition in conflict
Secondly, when are different aim for participants of conflict and it is not so important for one of participants are avoidance in conflict
Thirdly, when are different aim for participants of conflict are adaptation in conflict
Fourthly, when aim of conflict are important for both participants of conflict are contribution in conflict
Fifthly, when both participants want the same things but can’t achieve it are compromise in conflict

The basic drawback of conflicts is that they can sometimes result in physical discomfort or pain, often in the form of tension headaches. Furthermore, person who is susceptible to conflicting situations is more likely to feel miserable, unhappy and disgruntled for most of a time. Also that type of a person may lose friends or close people because of his arrogant personality

In conclusion I would like to say that people need conflicts because it can train up person how he or she should act in conflict. Also I would like to say that people can to solve some problems without conflicts


9 Feb 2010

Psychology Study in Mykolas Romeris University and The Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia

Today young people who want to attend a psychology course have many possibilities to study at universities all over the world. Although the experience show that in every country and every university the method of studying is different. For example let us compare two universities in different countries The Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania and Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia

I would like to start with history of the department of psychology in this two universities. In Mykolas Romeris University the Psychology laboratory is a structural division under the Faculty of Social Policy, Department of psychology was established in 2006 year for teaching and research purposes.The Faculty of psychology in Lomonosov Moscow State University has much wider history. Since 1755 Psychology was among the courses taught at the Faculty of Philosophy. The Department of Psychology was founded at Moscow University in 1942 and the first head of the Department was Professor S.L. Rubinshtane. The Faculty of Psychology became a separate division in 1966, first Dean of the Department was A.N.Leontjev. Presently more than 200 professors, lecturers and research associates, including 10 members of the Russian Academy of Education are working at the Faculty. More than 1000 undergraduate and 100 postgraduate students take their classes at the Faculty.

There are special condition which students must follow in order to be accepted to the university. One of those conditions are state examinations. In Lomonosov Moscow State University there are special entrance examinations. The graduator must pass the examination of Russian language, Math and Biology. In Mykolas Romeris University students are accede referring on how they passed their state examinations. State Examinations for psychology course are Math, Lithuanian language and English or History. The main advantages of Faculty of psychology in Lomonosov Moscow State University is that it provides a course for young people who study at school and think of studying psychology in Universety. It helps them to make up their mind and gives some basic knowledge about psychology. The Mykolas Romeris University now provides such courses only for law and financial studies. I hope in future Mykolas Romeris University will make such course for psychology.

Programme of Bachelor Studies in Psychology in Mykolas Romeris University is designed to grant a European standard of bachelor qualification in Psychology. Throughout the study programme of psychology, the students get practical and theoretical skills to understand, explain and assess human behaviour, personality and emotional state. In Mykolas Romeris University they are both and full-time and part-time studies. The length of bachelor degree in Psychology is 4 years. After graduating students may continue in postgraduate studies of psychology and seek Master’s degree and a further independent career. Master Degree includes Law Psychology, Social Psychology and Business Psychology full-time and extramural studies for 2 years. What concerns The Lomonosov Moscow State University bachelor degree in Psychology is 5 years. Besides there are 5 directions in which you can specialize General Psychology, Psychophysiology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Developmental and Educational Psychology. After graduating you may also continue and get a master degree which will last 2 years. What concerns the Ph.D. programme it takes 4 years in Mykolo Romeris Universety and up to 4 years in Lomonosov Moscow State University depending on which way of studying you will choose part time or full time.

In conclusion, I would like to say that The Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania and Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia are both very high rated universities. Though there are some differences I believe that students of both universities gain very good education and become specialists in psychology area.