30 Nov 2010

Self Assessment

Here is the last semester of ESP course which is almost over. Still have some weeks until session and ESP course exam. I am worry about English exam. I will analyze my achievement in this course during this semester.

In this semester like in 2 previous semesters I had to read modules from Robert Feldman book Understanding psychology. This semester I was not talking about those modules because teacher gave us other tasks which were more interesting, but I had to write ESP vocabulary tests which included modules which I had to read from Robert Feldman book Understanding psychology.Some ESP vocabulary test I have written well, but other tests I have written worst in the class. I am really  worried about it, because I think that  now the definitions which I should written, but the mark shows different thing .I think that I should learn ESP vocabulary if I want to pass English exam. In this practice, the Moodle tests should help me. It was not new task in this semester. Every module has Moodle test. I did these tasks at home and I could look through the module if I want to find out the correct answer. I think that I was good in doing those tests.

Third, I want to write about my performance on summary writing. It was not a new task. I think that I write summaries well, but I can be much better in this task, because one of ESP exam part is summary writing

Fourth, I want to mention that I think there were not enough short talks and impromptu speeches, at least for me. Short talk is one of English exam part. I think it will be better if I could have a possibility to speak in class on my exam themes so I could get more speaking skills

Also I should write few words about Power Point Presentation. It was not a new task. In this semester my theme was Prejudice and Discrimination. I think that I presented my theme not so good, worse than other students. My problem was not because I was not ready to speak about that theme but while I spoke I had made many grammar mistakes and I had been very nervous during the presentation.

Moreover in this semester my English teacher gave to class many listening tasks. Traditional listening in class was not a new task. Sometimes I have done it well sometimes I have done it not so well. I think I should do listening task not only in class if I want to pass my exam, but I don’t have enough time to practice listening. In this semester teacher gave online listening in class from BBC and other websites. I think it helped me but not enough. That’s a pity.

Now I want to mention the newest tasks in this semester It is online exercises and multiple choices and fill in the blanks tasks which were online. Online exercise for example was to find synonyms or finish the sentence. All these exercises were online. Multiple chose and fill in the blank was online in online learning center. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0073370193/student_view0/  In this website I found everything what I need for prepare for English class

In conclusion, I would like to write that I could be better in English language if I had more practice in all this points. Also I am worried about my English, because I will have to pass ESP exam.


9 Nov 2010

Bechavior Disorder

Human behavior is the population of behaviors   exhibited by humans   and influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion   and/or genetics. Strange behavior   can cause mental disorders. A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological or behavioral pattern generally associated with subjective   distress or disability   that occurs in an individual, and which are not a part of normal development or culture. Behavior disorder may develop or occur in people in spite of their age.

How we know  that behavior disorder  mostly emphasize on children. Children who suffer from behavior disorders are at a higher risk for school
failure, suicide, and mental health problems. They  can’t deal with  that problem and for that reason they need help from parents ,teachers  or  psychologists.

Second group of people who suffer from behavior disorder are teens.As with most medical issues, teen behavior disorders are different than child behavior disorders or adult behavior disorders.Teens with these disorder do some abnormal acts. One of  them is cutting themselves with any object  that can  brings  bleeding.  Statistically more girls  do cutting than
boys  but  that does not  mean that  boys  are immune. Some even  continue  to do  this  in adulthood.

Other is shoplifting. Teens can shoplift for a variety of reasons. These include but are not limited to peer pressure, to be cool, to get an adrenaline rush, to have what other kids have so that they feel equal.
The last behavior disorder witch I want to mention is trichotillomania. It  is psychological disorder. This condition is more common in girls than boys. People with these disorder  pull hair from the root from all parts of the body .

Third  group of people who suffer from behavior disorder are adults. What can I write about these group. I can write only one think that all behavior disorders witch was in childhood and teenhood  and wasn’t cure arrive at  adults behavior disorder.

In conclusion that life would be much easier if we could treat people of all ages the same and if they had the same symptoms for each illness or disorder. If you don't cure or keep attention on behavior disorders it may lead person during all his life.
